Released by the Office of Health Insurance Programs,
Division of Coverage and Enrollment
Due to a 2.3% cost of living adjustment for SSA payments effective January 1, 2008, several figures used in determining Medicaid eligibility must be updated. Effective January 1, 2008, Medicaid eligibility must be determined using the following updated figures:
1. Medicaid income level for 1 is $725/month or $8,700/year.
2. Medicaid income level for 2 is $1,067/month or $12,800/year.
3. Medicaid income levels for households of 3 or more remain the same as in 2007.
4. Medicaid resource levels are $4350 and $6400, for households of 1 and 2, respectively. The resource levels for households of 3 or more remain the same as in 2007.
5. Family Health Plus resource levels are $13,050 and $19,200, for households of 1 and 2, respectively. The Family Health Plus resource levels for households of 3 or more remain the same as in 2007.
6. The Supplemental Security Income federal benefit rate (FBR) for an individual living alone is $637/single and $956/couple.
7. The allocation amount is $342, the difference between the Medicaid level for a household of two ($1,067) and one ($725).
8. The 249e factors are .893 and .188.
9. The SSI resource levels remain $2,000 for individuals and $3,000 for couples.
10. The state supplement is $87 for an individual and $104 for a couple living alone.
11. The Medicare Part A premium is $423 per month.
12. The Medicare Part B standard monthly premium increases to $96.40 per month. Beginning in 2007, some enrollees, based on their incomes, will pay a higher Part B premium amount. The standard Medicare monthly Part B premium for 2008 will be $96.40. Local districts may see higher premium amounts, up to a maximum of $238.40, especially in some spousal impoverishment cases when applicants/recipients may have more monthly income than is ordinarily seen in most Medicaid cases.
13. Maximum federal Community Spouse Resource Allowance is $104,400.
14. Minimum State Community Spouse Resource Allowance is $74,820.
15. The community spouse Minimum Monthly Maintenance Needs Allowance is $2,610.
16. Maximum Family Member Allowance is $584 (estimated).
17. Family Member Allowance formula number used is $1,750 (estimated).
18. Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA): Non-Blind $940/month, Blind $1570/month, Trial Work Period (TWP) $670/month.
19. SSI-related student earned income disregard limit of $1550 monthly up to a maximum of $6240 annually.
Medicaid is a joint federal and state program designed to provide medical assistance benefits, including Nursing Home care and community based home care, to certain needy individuals who qualify and those who have properly planned. However, the process of application and eligibility is confusing and intimidating. At Davidow, Davidow, Siegel & Stern we can successfully guide you through the entire Medicaid process from establishing eligibility, the preparation of the application, gathering the necessary documents, submission of the application, follow-up to submission, to the acceptance and ongoing Medicaid eligibility.
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